“The fact that our snippets have gotten longer doesn’t change the fundamentals of writing a description tag. They should generally inform and interest users with a short, relevant summary of what a particular page is about. We now display slightly longer snippets, which means we might display more of a meta description tag. However, we never had a limit on meta description tag length before, as we covered earlier this year. So, there’s no need for publishers to suddenly expand their meta description tags, if they feel their current ones are adequate. As a reminder, our snippets are dynamically generated. Sometimes, they use what’s in a meta description tag. More often, they are generated by showing content from the page itself and perhaps parts of the meta description tag, as is appropriate for individual queries. “
Photo by Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine 日本各大縣市已開始檢視「黑民泊」(闇民泊),全球最大民泊訂房網站Airbnb也開始撤除沒有完成登錄的日本地區房源,故遊客目前所訂房間,很有可能會在6月15日後就消失。因此請訂房前多留意,主動詢問房東或是客服會比較保險喔。